Dreifuss Bothers Genealogy

Selinsgrove, Danville and Mifflinburg Pennsylvania


These small towns in Central Pennsylvania were integral in the early history of the Dreifuss siblings (Leopold, Aaron, Henry and Rosa) who emigrated in the United States in the 19th century. Our great grandfather, Leopold who was the oldest left almost no paper trail to indicate that he was there, but did tell his children that he lived in Selinsgrove before living in Brooklyn, NY. This kernel of information passed down to successive generations but with no details about it. His life in the U.S. is mostly chronicled by his life in Brooklyn, N.Y.  After immigration, the other siblings spent many years of their lives in these towns, living, raising families and working there. See  PART II: THE EMIGRATION OF LEOPOLD DREIFUSS AND SIBLINGS FROM GERMANY AND EARLY LIFE IN AMERICA.


Mifflinburg is a borough in Union County, PA, United States. Selinsgrove is a borough in Snyder County, Pennsylvania,on the Western shore of the Susquehanna, River and approximately 30 mile north of Harrisburg, PA. It is the largest borough in Snyder County. Danville is a borough in Montour County, Pennsylvania, USA, of which it is the county seat, on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River.


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