Dreifuss Bothers Genealogy


Searching Our Genealogy Holdings

If you already have a password select one of the family surname groups below, otherwise follow these directions:


Directions to Access Data:

  1. Read our



    By accessing data on our site you acknowledge that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy, which is there to protect family members and further our goals.
  2. Obtain a password from Dreifussbros.com. Why do I need a password?.
  3. Select one of the family surname groups below to link you to correct family tree where you can examine vital records and photographs.

The layout of data and navigating your family

Every person is shown on a family card, with the person and their spouse in the middle of the card, with thumbnail photos (when available) and vital information. The husbands and wife are surrounded by their parent links above them and their children links below them. Clicking on a name of a parent or child will bring you to the family card of that parent or child.



Vital dates/places

Birth, death, emigration,immigration

Marriage date/place


 You will also see small tree and camera icons. These are links that will present you with a family tree and photo collections of that person/family, respectively.

Select a Family Surname Group to Search:

The 4100 people that make up our family research have been broken down into ten subsets of interconnected Family Genealogies. The user name and password assigned to you will determine what set you have access to. The family subsets include: DREIFUSS/HESS/BERNHEIM, SCHNEIDER/CHARNOLEFSKI/LEW, GARFINKEL/EHRLICH, WALTER/WASSERMAN/FINKELSTAJN, EISENSTADT / KAMP / BERNSTEIN/ SHALOLOFSKI, AND OTHER FAMILIES (DOMMU, HAUER, KLESS AND TAMBEAU). Selecting one of these links or those below will present the data to you.  Mousing over one of the brown button links below will also present an overview of the family and their origins. Not all subsets are active at this time.

Mouse over one of the family surnames in the brown buttons at left to view summary below. Click a link to view more information on the data available for the family. Read our privacy policy and request a password to access our genealogical subsets of data on any of these family surnames.

© 2016 DreifussBros.com

Contact Us for password information or for Comments

Web Master: Pete Dreifuss - Date of last revision 17 Jan 2022