Welcome to DreifussBros. Here you may find a connection to your own family in our largecollection of names. Our "tree" includes our own family collection with those of our wives and our children's spouses. 
Our family history has been studied since the 1970s was a family endeavor. We understand the importance of how to obtain reliable sources of information without  errors. The website has been continuously managed by me, Pete Dreifuss, since about 1990 when it was first published.
Our list of surnames and stories are available from top memu. You will need a password to search our genealogy records .  This is to better achieve our goals, which include: the following
Dreifuss Bros. Genealogy
Please Pardon Our Dust (limited function at present)
(Saturday Nov 16,2024)
We're under Reconstruction with all new desgn. Get a new username from Pete and watch us grow and modernize